in fact, it’s my job to reveal to them what they are already doing right. I then teach them how to use those strengths to help increase both fluency and confidence in their child. it’s one of my very favorite parts of working with parents. I get to show them how amazing they already are!

- Kelly Clendaniel
Owner of WOTS


1:1 Parent Coaching

0ne on one session with Kelly, delivered virtually through face-to-face secure web-based programs.

Virtual sessions may cover a variety of services including but not limited to: parent education, individual recommendations, parent coaching, problem-solving, formulating a home program, selecting strategies, tweaking an existing plan, and providing feedback on home sessions. All of which are individualized to meet the specific needs of each child and family.

2 Day Virtual Workshop


The Virtual Workshop is a live version of the Keep Them Talking eCourse (in production). Click here for a detailed description of the workshop/course content. The interactive virtual workshop format allows for the added bonus of real-time Q&A, and a real sense of community support.

This workshop is for you if:

  • Your child just started stuttering and you are looking for answers and a plan to help your child at home.

  • You are ready to take the next step in helping your child but are unsure of where to start

  • Your child is currently in speech therapy but you are wanting to learn more about how you can help at home

  • You want to learn strategies to help your child become more fluent AND more confident so you can keep them talking.

*Sessions will be delivered virtually via Zoom, and will be recorded. If you are unable to attend the workshop live, a recording will be sent to you upon request.

Spots are limited to ensure a quality experience for all.

Workshop full? Don’t miss the next one! Click here if you want to be notified of the next available workshop.