
Welcome! I’m so happy you’re here, actually, I’m thrilled because the very fact that you’re here tells me three things: you have questions, you have a gut feeling, and you want to help your child;  to all of that I say, you’re in exactly the right place.

“Whether your child just started stuttering, has been stuttering on and off for some time, or stuttering long enough that you’re starting to worry, there is so much that you, as parents, can do (and not do) to help. I’m here to show you how”

You have questions, I have answers. 

You have a deep desire to help your child, I can show you how. 

You are confused about the conflicting advice of “to treat, or not to treat,” I have a solution. 

You don’t want to bring attention to your child’s stuttering, but still want to help them get their words out, I have strategies.  

You are worried, I was too… 

That’s right. I was once a Stutter Mom like you, so I get it; I’ve been there, and I know what you’re going through. Hi! I’m Kelly, a licensed and certified Speech-Language Pathologist, and the Founder of Word on the Speech. I know how hard the stuttering journey can be and I want you to know that I’m here for you. The idea of helping children through the hands of their parents is not a new one, but it’s a powerful one that, I feel, is often undervalued and/or overlooked. In my 18-year career, I’ve learned that the most important ingredient for a child’s communication progress and success is successful communication with their parents.  Parent involvement is an energy force that brings about powerful change and lasting results in the treatment of communication disorders; never is that more true than in the case of stuttering.  Educating and empowering parents across the world to take an active and immediate role in helping their child is a core intention of Word on the Speech. 

Having had our own stuttering journey a few years ago with my son Kase (he’s the cute little dude in the picture below), completely changed the trajectory of my career. Experiencing stuttering for the first time as a parent made me realize how hard stuttering was not only for the child but for the parents as well.

Beyond the heartbreak of watching your little one struggle, parents face so many unnecessary, but very real obstacles; obstacles that I never had to overcome because I had the knowledge. For me, it was that knowing and doing and taking fast action that calmed my worried heart and ultimately led to resolving my son’s stuttering.

From that moment on, I knew I had to show up for parents with a solution; one that could deliver the education, tools, and support that they need to help their child overcome stuttering without the wait. One that would walk them through the exact steps that I took with my son. That’s why I created The Keep Them Talking Home Therapy Program; a self-paced e-course that teaches parents strategies to do at home to help their child overcome stuttering while building their confidence.

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Pro Stats

I received my Bachelor's in Communication Sciences & Disorders at Florida State University in 2004, and my Master's degree in Speech Pathology & Audiology in 2006 at Florida International University. It was at FSU that I had the great honor of being mentored by one of the greats in the field of Stuttering, Dr. Lisa Scott. It was she who planted the seed that would grow throughout my career, and ultimately lead me to my passion. In my 18-year career, I’ve worked in early intervention, serviced over 50 public schools, and started two successful private practices in two different states. I’ve worked with various populations of students and clients ranging in age from 2 to 22 with communication needs of all kinds.  I am trained in the Palin Parent-Child Interaction (PCI) Therapy approach, as well as the RESTART Demands and Capacities (DCM) Approach; two intervention programs for early childhood stuttering. I am also trained in Floortime DIR, and Linda-Mood Bell’s Visualizing and Verbalizing. I specialize in stuttering and parent coaching. I also enjoy working with children who have speech and language disorders. It’s been a long and amazing journey, but I still consider myself a student of the field; continuously seeking out opportunities to learn and grow is a responsibility that I welcome and enjoy.

A Lil About Me

I’m a South Florida native, but now call Chandler, Arizona home. When I’m not working, you’ll find me with my husband Kyle, and our two beautiful and crazy kids, Sloan (6) and Kase (7). My daily life includes wrangling kids to sports, working full-time, stealing little moments with my husband, hanging on tight to my family, and dreaming of the beach. I carve out time for happiness essentials like yoga, family time, and dinners with my girlfriends. Most days require lots of deep breathing and grace and usually end with a glass of wine (see “daily life”), and I wouldn’t change a thing. Human connection and daily gratitude are my drugs of choice, but mostly, I’m just a really really normal gal who’s really glad you’re here.